Adults Gain a Healthy Body and Peace of Mind
Grandmaster Cheon offers adults a comprehensive fitness program with the added benefit of self defense skills and overall self improvement.
Adult Students Enjoy:
- Improved endurance, flexibility, and strength
- A healthy and fun option for stress relief
- Positive relationships with enthusiastic and motivated people
- Greater variety than traditional exercise programs
- Self defense skills and awareness for greater personal security
With adults, our goal is to deliver all of the benefits of martial arts including improving muscle tone, increasing cardiovascular fitness, lowering stress levels, increasing energy and greater flexibility. Also, this program carries the added benefits of self-defense skills and overall self-improvement.
The first rule in self defense is to prevent a dangerous situation from developing. Your greatest success would be to never have to use a single self defense technique. The best way to handle an actual (or threat of attack) is to try to get away. It is always your best chance to avoid injury. However, if you cannot get away and find you need to protect yourself, knowing self defense technique can be invaluable. Self defense is important for everyone- men and women.
Men are more likely than woman to fight back ‘in self-defense.’ In doing so, they risk making a situation worse. The attacker may become more angry and violent. Again, the best way to handle any attack or threat is to try to exit the situation. However, if else fails you may have no choice but to defend yourself or someone you care for.
The majority of violent attacks are on women. A woman that’s alone will almost always be targeted before a man. Trust your instinct. That gut-feeling, along with common sense, can help prevent and get you out trouble.
The best way to prepare yourself to fight off an attacker is to take self-defense class. Although reading about how to defend yourself is certainly useful and better than nothing, it’s no substitute for hands-on experience; somethings you just have to learn in person. Taking self-defense classes (such as martial arts) are a safe way to prepare yourself in case something does happen and you are forced to defend yourself or your child. Knowing that you could do something if it came down to it will give you peace of mind

Make a Difference
At Master Cheon’s martial arts classes, you will learn Tae Kwon Do & Hap Ki Do which is variety of strikes, block, throws, take-down, and joint locks that can help applied to any number of threatening situations. The instructors at Master Cheon’s will teach you special techniques for breaking an attacker’s grasp and effective strikes for disabling your opponent. You will learn ways to surprise your attacker and catch them off guard, especially useful if they are much larger than you.
Plus, you will gain self-confidence, greater strength, speed, balance, flexibility , and stamina.
Get started with our Special Trial Program includes free uniform, one private and two group lessons taught in a positive environment. Ideal for beginners-no experience necessary.
There’s no question that the quality of instruction offered at a school is a function of the quality of instructors.
I am proud to say that our staffs are a great team that you will enjoy working with. They will take the time to teach you in a step-by-step fashion and guide you with patience and enthusiasm.
“You have a special ability to work with each student as an individual, regardless of age or ability. You begin with what that person can do, and build on it a little each time. After 8 years I have gone from an aging over weight person with back problems, to a much younger, healthier and more capable person. I feel great, and could not have done with without your help. Thank you ” – Dan
Trial Program
Getting started is easy
Our special trial program includes two group martial arts class taught in a positive, encouraging environment. Ideal for beginners-no experience necessary.